
Selective 招生 Medical Laboratory Technology Program Application 过程



To outline the selective admissions steps for students applying to the Medical Laboratory Technology program.


Part 1: Medical Laboratory Technology Program Application Process

学生 must be accepted to Minnesota State Community and Technical College (M州) before being eligible to apply for admission into the Medical Laboratory Technology program. All applicants who have completed the admission requirements and application procedures by the program application deadlines will be considered for admission to the program.

  1. The student applies to M州 and must be accepted to the College before applying to the Medical Laboratory Technology program.
  2. The student completes the online Medical Laboratory Technology Program Application, 可以在这个项目的网站上找到 www.明尼苏达州.edu/mlt,在申请截止日期前递交. 申请截止日期和入学要求可在 www.明尼苏达州.edu/programs-and-degrees/medical-laboratory-technology/admission-requirements.
  3. The College notifies the applicant via email of their eligibility for the program.
    1. If the applicant is not eligible, missing requirements will be listed.
    2. 申请人是否符合资格, they will be asked to confirm their seat in the program and must respond to the email. 一旦学生确认了他们的座位, they are considered accepted into the core Medical Laboratory Technology program.
  4. 学生完成数学和英语的评估测试, unless college-level coursework in math and English has previously been completed. 评估测试决定哪一个, 如果有任何, 需要英语和/或数学发展课程. 学生可在以下网址报名参加评估测试 www.明尼苏达州.edu/admissions/placement-testing.
Part 2: Medical Laboratory Technology Program Eligibility Criteria

Applicants who meet all requirements for admission will have the greatest chance of being admitted into the Medical Laboratory Technology program. 学生 are encouraged to submit the program application even if they are in the process of meeting all the requirements for admission. Applications will be reviewed after prerequisite coursework is complete.

  • GED持有者 - Must supply the College with a GED transcript or certificate in order to be considered for acceptance.
  • 位置测试 - Medical Laboratory 技术的申请人 must complete all developmental English and/or math courses with a grade of C or higher. Placement in these courses may be determined by ACT, 坐, Accuplacer assessment or high school GPA. 为没有ACT考试的学生提供指导自我安置, 坐, Accuplacer or high school GPA waiver on file cannot be used for Medical Laboratory
    • 数学要求 - Math scores on the Accuplacer/ACT or high school GPA must place the student into Math 1114 College Algebra or higher. 学生 testing into developmental math must complete the highest-level developmental course with a grade of C or higher before starting the program.
    • 英语要求 - Reading scores on the Accuplacer/ACT or high school GPA must place the student into ENGL 1101 College Writing. 学生 testing into developmental English must complete the highest-level developmental course with a grade of C or higher before starting the program.

After notice of acceptance into the program, the following requirements must be completed:

  • MLT项目手册 - Accepted students must review the Medical Laboratory Technology program handbook, 可以在这个项目的网站上找到 www.明尼苏达州.edu/programs-and-degrees/medical-laboratory-technology.
  • 明尼苏达州公共服务部的背景研究 - Accepted students will need to complete a 明尼苏达州公共服务部的背景研究. A $30 fee will be required for processing the background study and fingerprinting/photograph. 接受选择不完成背景研究的学生, 或者被研究结果取消资格的人, may not be permitted to attend clinical experiences or service learning opportunities. 在这种情况下, 学院不能保证其他学习机会, which ultimately will affect the student’s ability to complete the program. 学生要上传文件到学生档案系统.
  • 健康的形式 -学生必须完成学院的 卫生司核实及发布资料表格.
  • 学生档案系统 - All required documents will be uploaded by the student to the student record system. 学生 will receive an email after acceptance into the program with information on how to access and use the system.
  • 药物筛选 - The College does not require drug screening for admission to the Medical Laboratory Technology program. Clinical rotation sites and employers have regulations related to drug use and criminal backgrounds; therefore, drug screening is necessary when required by a clinical rotation site. 学生 required to complete a drug screening are responsible for any associated fees. 临床现场将协助学生完成这一过程. Testing positive on a drug screen may prevent a student from participating in or completing clinical rotations, 满足课程要求和/或获得学位. Refusal to participate in a drug screen is equal to a positive test result. The student will be removed from the clinical site or denied participation. This will prevent the student from 满足课程要求和/或获得学位.



向学院提交申请. 被学院录取后, complete the Medical Laboratory Technology program’s selective admissions application prior to the deadline. If accepted into the program, submit additional documentation as required by the program.


检查应用程序. 通过电子邮件通知申请人他们的申请状态.


Minnesota State Community and Technical College Selective Admission Program Policy



